
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

18 件中 11 ~ 18 件目
ゆらゆら 揺れてる surface of the pool 高く 飛び込む 掻き込む 私… 包んで… 心の奥底へ 満ちてく 何してるんですか? 何を見ているんですか?...
見上げた氷菓に 涼風がそよぐ もうすぐ空に溶け出す 参道の影も知らないまま...
On my fifteenth birthday, rose up to the surface of the sea for the first time in the wonderful dusk. Saw the great ship, dressed people, and the beautiful prince. Countless fireworks illuminated the prince, while the music rang out....
This ocean that I found I can somehow breathe within The surface above our heads...
He's keeping me at a distance. I feel like sink to the bottom of the sea. And reach for the surface of the water. But this hand can't possibly reach....
耳を塞いで 瞳を閉じれば 感覚はシャットダウン 終わりなどない 夢を守る この命なんて 意味一つさえ 価値なんてない 「生きたい」だけでいい...
Full moon sways Gently in the night of one fine day On my way Looking for a moment with my dear...
In the city I watch glamour shows Through the windows of skyscraping expectations Brainwash dreaming black and white Setting up the surface with very shiny toys...