
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

37 件中 21 ~ 30 件目
Burning my old barrier That she've build long ago Trapping my old memory in the fuel...
For the development of the human body. raise a cloud of dust 繰り返す言葉 振り返り交わした...
胸に宿る 熱き彗星は 始まりの鼓動へ… 震える指握りしめて 静かに願いを込めた うずくまって逃げられない過去から 飛び出したいよ...
Dust to dust Ashes to ashes Soul to soul I will say never again...
See the brave new world new man We created with our hands Watch it slip away Like a tiny grain of sand...
Dance the dust with the sun's return Sat at her shadow at her knee, She was in thine an equal turn, Laughed in the passage with their glee....
On my fifteenth birthday, rose up to the surface of the sea for the first time in the wonderful dusk. Saw the great ship, dressed people, and the beautiful prince. Countless fireworks illuminated the prince, while the music rang out....
Daylight 遠くから光 差し込む Daydream 鳥のように 大空 羽ばたく 夢を 幼い頃 はいていた靴 泥だらけのまま...
銀のごとくきらめく 刃(やいば)に映る夜宵(やよい)の月 藍に染まる衣を ゆさぶる風と鈴の音よ 祭り囃子みちびく 蛍の誘いに身をゆだね 千の刻をこえて出逢えた Star Dash...
seik lear rue inn rarpidie feader cler vert die zert sar vire leadc ghast saefer faile weare lay...