
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

47 件中 31 ~ 40 件目
The air is thin The walls cave in The doors shall lock...
The times had changed, then the rule has to change, too. You have to be reeducated from the beginning. If you won't obey it or don't tell us that who doesn't follow,...
You were my moonlight 夜の空 淡く優しく照らす 巡る私 Just like a swing-by やがて離れ say good-bye You're not here. But I sing this song for you....
この声は 届かない 零れ落ちる言葉 その声は 聴こえない むなしく響いて 翳む日々 罅割れてゆく世界の終わりに...
I took many sleeping medicine. Last night, I lost my lover in an accident. We met in summer 2 years ago. It was so hot like this summer....
どうせ ボカロ女です He seems to think so. His ability fo music also declines,and let's say "goodbye"...
 One bite of honest grape that I ate, protected its sweet dew by self-treatment    ひとつぶ口にした真摯なブドウは自浄作用で甘い果汁を守っていた  The bravery, like untying the beansprouts' strings...
俺は流しの吟遊詩人さ歌を歌って一年過ごす すごい冒険を歌に残してみんなに夢を配って歩く 今日は王宮に招待されて王様の若い日の冒険を聞く 「美人の娘を魔物から救って自分の后に迎えた」らしい...
I am a robot, a clockwork toy robot, live in your toy box for a longtime   僕はロボット ぜんまい仕掛け   君のおもちゃ箱に住んでいる...