If there is one thing I can not stand. It's everything about that thing. Excalibur, I can't stand him. I just hate the name. I wanna break him....
The clouds are gray, and on his way Notorious spirits arise to play Around this isle, where once the bile Of the god of War surveyed every mile...
I hate the sweet scent coming from your neck Maybe that's for him, right? I won't stand in your way but I think you're being a bit silly Lonely or boring?...
ほらほらまたはじまった お得意の自己弁護 言い訳 「でもね」「だって」 ほらほらまたはじまった...
So boring あなたつまんないわ Don't waste my fxxking time 痛い会話 腐った魚が見つめている...
(There was a cat and a dog. This is the story of the cat's heart. She can't be honest to him....
箱庭に立ち込める焦燥と むせ返る弱者の咆哮 放埓な生活 戯れるも騙るも嘲るも...
Mockery of human, mockery of man Ancient eldritch monster, terror of the land Mockery of a beast standing on two legs...
廃屋、諧謔、 粉を吹く想像力の 見せる絶望は 芸術と化す...
睨めっこ 睨めっこ 喰み裂いた脳×アイロニズム アイフォゲット アイフォゲット...