(″You′d best stay away from them.″) (″They′ve hurt me badly…″) (″One could even say they′re abusive.″)...
I hate the sweet scent coming from your neck Maybe that's for him, right? I won't stand in your way but I think you're being a bit silly Lonely or boring?...
騒げ!踊れ!この指とまれ! いくぜ!我ら 超絶好調! 騒げ!踊れ!この指とまれ!...
Breaking through the deadline, the deadline, "When the world against me is when I come alive, I come alive" he singing to me now I'm looking past the blue ice of my mind in to the truth...
Nobody knows that yet, (未だ誰も知らない) and you will never listen to me...
魔法をかけて、 そうかけて、もうかけて神様 束の間の温もりじゃ足りない...
生きるのに時間が足りない 今日明日も情報過多なオモリを手に取って 見下してTap Tap 何にも無い朝を歩く...
I used to be all alone I had no one to talk to Feeling like I'm missing a part...
地図を広げては迷子に 頼れるものはぼくの力のみ なんて不条理世界の勇者に...
Sipping my pumpkin spice with pumpkin pie All the flavours warm and nice Caramel cheesecake stuffed peanut dynamite...