
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

873 件中 11 ~ 20 件目
この世界はひからびたドーナッツ グルグル回る景色に粉が吹く そのカラダに潜むギャラリーに 壊されそうな心が...
ほらほらまたはじまった お得意の自己弁護 言い訳 「でもね」「だって」 ほらほらまたはじまった...
La tua bellezza un crimine. Compensa per il crimine in forma chiamo lamorte… 「粉雪の白、血の赤、黒檀の黒、授けて…」...
君は君だけしかいないよ 代わりなんて他にいないんだ 枯れないで一輪の花 光がまともに差し込まない君はまるで日陰に咲いた花の様 望んだはずじゃ無かった場所に根をはらされて動けずにいるんだね 閉じかけた気持ち吐き出せばいい...
I know that you're Liked by a lot of people Unlike me...
I don't know if I am a boy I don't know if I am a girl I don't know when I was born I don't know who's my mother...
Burning my old barrier That she've build long ago Trapping my old memory in the fuel...
Let me see... Maybe it was about end in last fall. The your first public speech was "I will 'fall' in love". I was a daughter brought up carefully, and I knew nothing about. It took much time for me to understood it....
(1st Verse:) won't be having that my way to my light nothing's gonna stop that didn't choose my life it chose me...
色歌詞:KAITO So tonight I'll testify As an alibi To one who did me wrong Just the same old song and dance...