「I am going to kill my lover」 裏切りのさばる暗黒街では 誰かを信じれば失うSurvival Rate...
It started with an honest little crush Boy I didn't know what I was in for And I didn't think it'd amount to much...
Hey Lady's and Gentleman!! Be your attention!! DQN Style 2 da Compilation feat. Vocaloid Singer...
Tracing all The shadows on my wall The way you used to do...
(色分け:初音ミク、Eri、初音ミク+Eri) I feel something goin' on, I'd be runnin' round town and it won't step down till' it gets what it wants to be free from these...
テレスコープ 覗き込んで 蒼い月を見てる 手の届きそうな 月面旅行 星条旗が揺れる ベッドに残ってる 仮想世界の足跡が...
It's 2 am and I'm here on my own But I really hate being alone, don't you know That I need you every night and day...
あ、もしもし〜、元気〜? いまね、 10 年とちょっと先の未来からかけてるの。 いろんなことがあったよ〜・・・。 あ、ケータイもね、ずいぶん変わったんだよ!...
When I go home, I catch her call Her voice is strange Why? An anxious thought flashes through my mind...
アタシなんかが居なくたって 今日もセカイは回ってるのに 右も左も手招きしては いらぬ景色を見せつける...