
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

14 件中 1 ~ 10 件目
月が叫んでた ざわめく空で 私を見つけて 闇からさらってと 夢の残骸は 青い揺りかご ちぎれた心を 眠りに導く...
You always wish upon stars I don't know what you long for Because everything that I need is here by my side We named some stars out of reach...
流星群ひとふり落っこちて 夢中になって願えば  (I'm sure you'll......
色歌詞:KAITO So tonight I'll testify As an alibi To one who did me wrong Just the same old song and dance...
One summer day, I happened to meet you at that place. I'm sure I felt that my heart got warm with you. I thinking of you, your smile comes to my mind night and day....
Let’s think back To the start You and me were worlds apart I walked on...
原曲(タガログ語)歌詞 Iniisip mo pa rin ba ang pagod at sakit, puno pa ng pangamba?...
雲ひとつ無い空 ビルの隙間 のぞく日差しに 思わず顔に手を当て 隠した I wish it were raining...
Here's a song for you I've waited to sing so long You are the one, my only love, forevermore Darlin' take my hand...