いつか重力のクサリを 断ち切り君を連れてサテライト 君を探してあの街へ さ迷い歩いた夜の道...
One summer day, I happened to meet you at that place. I'm sure I felt that my heart got warm with you. I thinking of you, your smile comes to my mind night and day....
Become strong by taking off armor,when girl's after school.Not fascinating, usual "SHIKITARI" life keeps me down. I'm never invite the boy (who will flutter immediately.)...
君と歩く 砂浜二人きりで 少し照れた素振りで 見上げてみせる "楽しかったね" って 何度も同じ言葉 繰り返す 終わらないで・・・このまま!...
The wind has grown colder on my skin Guess I'll have a cup of tea In spite of the festive mood outside I’ll be spending a silent night...
every kiss you gave me touched my heart every word still ringers in my mind still lights the way to go the song I sing is all for my love...
#region(close,色分け)神威がくぽ・KAITO・鏡音レン ※黒…神威がくぽ&KAITO サヨナラをもっと君に早く 言えたなら こんなに・・・...
バトンについた砂払った 次に深呼吸した そんで名もない種を蒔きました 希望をジョウロに溜めました 歌い疲れたなら休んで 僕は書いてるから...
On my fifteenth birthday, rose up to the surface of the sea for the first time in the wonderful dusk. Saw the great ship, dressed people, and the beautiful prince. Countless fireworks illuminated the prince, while the music rang out....
the reason I'm so tired is because he whisper in my ear, わたしが とてもつかれてしまっている理由は カレがわたしの耳にささやくから "wow, your pink hair looks awesome."...