
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

667 件中 21 ~ 30 件目
忘れていたこのトキメキを ずっと離さずにいたいから 冬空に祈り込めるよ この聖なる夜に ねぇ いつからだろう...
(さー来いっ 抱きしめちゃうぞ!) 逃がさないよ WANTED,Boy!! (やー指名で やー手配だ WANTED!) どうにもとまらない(うぃ〜っす)...
Get ready yo! Now we blow up the horn 凍えた街に銀色した煙 見過ぎた夢の代償 凍えた体 振り切れない想い アクセル踏んで誤魔化す 夜に壊れたまま 視線強くトガらせて...
ちょっと汚れたスーツケースをもって なにも知らずに 空からおりた 地図の向こう、ココに参上 夢に見た憧れの場所...
And when I go away I know myheart can stay with my love It's understood It's in the hands of my love...
Clap your hands, we are all together here. Break the common sensing. There's no hierarchy in the stage....
Long ago somewhere in the future In a place beyond space and time There's a book for all to see What has been, what could be...
roaming inbetween the worlds of sleep and awake seems so far away from where i've been and unsure but unafraid intrusting ―my soul― i know i must be taken to see the world that is not so far from now...
Is this LOVE? It's so complicated Sometimes, feels both sad and happy The mood changes like the canvas of LOVE...
Money cannot buy it 'Cause it can't be sold Flattery can't change the course it's on It needs no credentials...