
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

39 件中 31 ~ 39 件目
少し寒いけど 重いコートを脱いで 雲のない青空 軽くノックして 遅く起きた日曜 空がね、高いよ...
いつのまにか傍に居たひとが こんなに大事な存在(もの)になってた 笑い 怒り 泣いて すれ違って...
Taken by the sinking blue, gotta understand hatred to understand true meanings of love Does not end until the end comes,...
L:I don't wanna let the chance slip away  Why is my freedom taken away?  Reason as against emotion  I've gotta deal with extreme frustration...
In a little while from now. If I'm not feeling any less sour. I promise myself to treat myself and visit a nearby tower...
roaming inbetween the worlds of sleep and awake seems so far away from where i've been and unsure but unafraid intrusting ―my soul― i know i must be taken to see the world that is not so far from now...
Keep your mind clear You can hear the whisper of the wind Trees in the street are gently humming a peaceful love song Now! Open the eyes of your heart...
I believe in roses, but(only from the heart) And if it's not sincere then, I don't want no part Even if you trust in me(You will mess around)...
They think that they'll see flowers If only they give water But the harvest season's over The time has past...