
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

192 件中 31 ~ 40 件目
Time is dead and gone Show must go on It's time for our act They all scream at me...
Sinking down, holding my breath To count the standing of time I will drown in the distorted sounds...
Good morning Second Star Sometimes I wonder where you are And what the view is like from way up there...
Givin' me way too much 'Til I couldn't take anymore Now that finally you ain't my ecstasy...
Eyes still closed Sunshine showed Through the curtains and the noise I awoke to your voice Thinking you'll be by my side...
O mother dear Look what you've done To your forlorn and once beloved son Why was I born at all?...
Lately my life's been going down I don't know what is going on with me body's aching everywhere and when I speak, the words don't come out right...
想像の範囲外で響く 高い警告音が耳障りだ 有象無象が群れ蠢く24時 The night gets darker...
Get down and spin a bit around You'll never know when the danse floor'd stop lighting Turn to the sters and get to flyin...
バトンについた砂払った 次に深呼吸した そんで名もない種を蒔きました 希望をジョウロに溜めました 歌い疲れたなら休んで 僕は書いてるから...