
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

11 件中 1 ~ 10 件目
果てない道が白く浮かぶ 何処までも遠く 夜空の端で にやけている細い三日月が 永遠なんて在りはしない 現在(いま)だけが全て 欲しいと言えるものなど無い この身体一つで...
大人ぶって 目を伏せた ほんとは分からないことばかり アイラインを選んでは 背伸びしてた 少し長いまつげには マスカラなんていらない...
濡れた瞳の奥蒼い月は静かにこぼれ落ちて行く 鮮やかな世界は音も無く静かに闇に消えて行く 秒読みの中駆け巡る 闇の中を そして新たなる時を迎え 今...
can you hear the calling of the raving wind and water? we just keep dreaming of the land 'cross the river we are always on the way to find the place we belong wandering to no where, we're paddling...
One gift I received on the day that I came to life Do I not know? How can I ignore what I was meant to become? One goal I pursue all the way till I find it clear Through a storm, there'll be the sunlight on the road to Grand Slam...
原曲(タガログ語)歌詞 Iniisip mo pa rin ba ang pagod at sakit, puno pa ng pangamba?...
宵の街 照らす灯火 高らかに 響く旋律 月灯り 背に受けながら...
Give me satisfaction Show me your intention Kiss me, touch me...
Somewhere in everyone's heart there's a place such as battlefield A war between the good and vice is going on each and everyday Somewhere in everyone's soul there's a space like burning forest A fight against endless desire is the key to reach out for long yearning LOVE...
太陽に憧れを抱き 虚空の翼を広げてみても… 届かない遥かな楽園 夢とともに消えてゆく…...