
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

443 件中 71 ~ 80 件目
(UnderWhite,  Don't tell anyone about tonight.) 偶像は泣いていたんだ...
barely printed, on the dot she wondered why the record stopped flipping through the pages of a child's eulogy...
So we have to say Goodbye, as you know Oh baby Everything goes back to bubble again...
The clock stopped ticking forever ago How long have I been up? IDK :-( I can't get a grip, But I can't let go...
異議を唱える者 魑魅魍魎の烏合 意義も意味もないと...
Singing to rain rain This is just Holy song Give up? Give up?...
Sleeping peacefully The girl I used to be Until I fell so deep...
30回目の告白でもだめかい? 高嶺の花すぎんじゃないの? それは ただ君がキレイすぎるから...
言いかけてた言葉 一粒 溶かした 色褪せてた日々は 記憶のどこかへ 落っこちた...
(Ah yeah, ah yeah) (Ey, ey) I met a boy under the summer sun...