
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

105 件中 51 ~ 60 件目
Don't touch me! ついてこれるか この精神愛 体はいつも正直なんだよ 目で見るリアルが 全てじゃない...
We'll start from day one "Tell me what you've done" The marks of a shut-in...
Burning my old barrier That she've build long ago Trapping my old memory in the fuel...
凄い速さ HIGHWAY 此処じゃ言えないアレ 「君に幸在れ」に集る蠅 造花すらも枯れ 声は嗄れ...
古き森の 古き泉 ほとりに住むは  白銀の魔女エルセテトラ 澄んだ泉は 遠い町並み みせる...
I feel destined for you(あなたに運命を感じています。) Me too(私もです。) Have you noticed that?(あなたは気づいていますか?)...
Cut filter!! Pitch shifter!! Patch bay!! Voice Main Comp 9:1 G.E.N.FACT +12↑(上げ) Left 52 Exciter 5k Right 59 Reverb OFFに Accent+PORTAMENTOついて PITCHでWARRRRP!!!...
Can you hear my voice? Check a noise I rejoice at to choice my music Muse is smiling for me...
Tell me please V-O-C-A-L-O-I-D's Can blow your mind like a strong breeze Number 1 diva gives you the fever...
Colorful autumn leaves Now into naked trees The seasons go around Like a merry-go-round...