
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

16 件中 1 ~ 10 件目
むこうはどんな所なんだろうね? 無事に着いたら 便りでも欲しいよ 扉を開いて 彼方へと向かうあなたへ...
the shiny world there is. passing blue breeze. splashing waves singing. the sound is a MAGIC....
アイのヒメゴト 想像中 少年は常時… Now Loading... ネオ・ハイファイなママゴト 妄想中毒状態...
I saw bloody field like red roses The endless ill will chain-reaction Out of revenge for enemy When the hell will the world be free...
ありがとう その言葉 透き通る音がした 君のその旋律がいつも 世界を照らす 何気ないことがうれしい それはありふれた奇跡...
I visited here for seeing a ninja But it was different from how I had imagined Japan Mechanical voice sings a hit song from speaker...
I remember the time that I spent with you. It was various with happy time and sad time. There wants to be me with you forever....
You do not worry about my thing recently. How did you do. I'm very lonely recently. Could you fully love my thing tonight....
ツバサあれば空越え君に伝えたい もうね待てない すぐに逢えるかな ねぇ 今どこで何してる? お決まりのメールを送る...