
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

634 件中 61 ~ 70 件目
バトンについた砂払った 次に深呼吸した そんで名もない種を蒔きました 希望をジョウロに溜めました 歌い疲れたなら休んで 僕は書いてるから...
I'm the witch who protects your sweet dreams. Trust in me, I just want to see, My loved world In harmony. All began like any other day,...
Pour down on me The sky like a flood Let this finale...
Sharing our world Sharing our world I can see this future is right now Cause my voice is always going around...
I wanna jump together with you To see the world just like a free bird Because sometimes the world is too wide...
I wanna make you keep poppin' Freely frolickin' and hoppin' Hey baby baby...
What is the best course we should take. It's no way... I don't care....
My head on a pillow and silence in the room Sheep jumping over fences and the cow over the moon I can see this all (see it all)...
Can't you see? That nothing ain't that easy like ABC Let's try to keep ourselves busy...
1パカ2パカ3パカ在るだが IパカYouパカHeパカSheパカ ラクダかナンだかよくわからなうぃが 栃木か那須だか行ったらいいじゃnight...