
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

70 件中 31 ~ 40 件目
As I control 'up and down', I look better from people. But I think it is not 'real me'. I remove limiter because I pursue 'being myself'. If people look 'coldly' at me......
Love at first sight Just one look from your eyes Just one word from your mouth My heart was yours....
The clouds are gray, and on his way Notorious spirits arise to play Around this isle, where once the bile Of the god of War surveyed every mile...
Somewhere in the Milky Way Somewhere deep in outer space As he travels all the galaxy Does he feel as lonely as me...
心躍る とびきりの毎日を (wkwk dkdk) 過ごせば、ほら!みんなが幸せ...
英語 The fading dream and the light-eating sea (Falling)...
U, so dull to what I feel Singing in to your ears Sending my gathered letters, you’re my receiver You’re maybe all I need It’s what I’m lately thinking...
fraud. that the world is slowly ending, and someday there will be no humans....
You are Crimson Camellia Before the sun is rising Dreamt to bloom beautifully and beautifully surely...
Don't believe them when they tell you love has got me down. Do you think that I'm the type that love can push around? I may bend but I won't break, my passion can't be bound. I'm gonna conquer love before it conquers me....