
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

70 件中 11 ~ 20 件目
baby pink monsoon baby pink monsoon lady sings LOVE, hum.. I wanna lose control...
抱きしめられココロに火がつく 真夏はYes!so paradise キワドイ事情も笑い飛ばせるよ か・る・い 泣きそうな気持ち育ててるままじゃ Don't change our mind 恋せよ乙女 素晴らしき人生 Let's get together...
みんなが私のことを 妖精と呼ぶ わたしはそれに応える 感じないから こころの重さ だから この空を飛べたんだ...
神様に恋をしてた頃は こんな別れが来るとは思ってなかったよ もう二度と触れられないなら せめて最後に もう一度抱きしめて欲しかったよ...
I am the sunshine and you are the moon We live under different skies But if the sun could open his heart to the moon I'm sure he would say......
夢追い人はゆく 名前はいらない 国境こえて 夢見た時から翼が生えてる すべてが叶う(愛ある世界) 歓びの星 めざしてゆくよWonderland その先は Paradaise...
A small boy, a big dream As funny as it may seem They all laughed at him...
Praying for that you'll be able to get home (We'll be praying for you) Wishing for that you have a peaceful night (We'll lead you to the way)...
This cream is so rich! Can be the best one. Do you see things as they are? No,I don't. I see them as I am!...
(″You′d best stay away from them.″) (″They′ve hurt me badly…″) (″One could even say they′re abusive.″)...