
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

37 件中 31 ~ 37 件目
SAYONARA, sweet memories it's goodbye SAYONARA, Don't look back Don't ask why...
Follow me to a land across the shining sea Waiting beyond the world we have known Beyond the world the dream could be And the joy we have tasted...
You know my daddy dug gates for his whole life And he never knew nothing more Yeah and his daddy done the dig like his old man Who had dug before the war...
Happiness is just a word to me And it might have meant a thing or two If I'd had known the difference Emptiness, a lonely parody...
Now the eldest oak tree found his voice Said that her tribe had no other choice She wondered why her kinsmen had no way But to decay...
Darkness... darkness amongst the night In the forgotten center of the world, the outer beings summoned by the deranged Wreaks havoc like a plague in the menacing air...
Every tale has an ending In this life we are spending (you)Say hello than goodbye (It)made you laugh, but now it's making you cry...