
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

37 件中 1 ~ 10 件目
呪文吐く舌 惑星を転がす 識りすぎた言葉の行き先 紡がれた糸 張り巡らす この物語を縛る機械仕掛け...
揺らいだ星屑 紡いだ想い 蝕む瑠璃色 思わず眩む 揺蕩う哀が囁く 私の言葉...
My sky was always gloomy and the air was filled with stagnate (わたしの空はいつも憂鬱そうだった 淀んだ空気が満ちていた) sticky clinging to my head lethargic and signs and grief (私の頭にベトベトとまとわりつく ため息と嘆きと無気力)...
ほらほらまたはじまった お得意の自己弁護 言い訳 「でもね」「だって」 ほらほらまたはじまった...
The tears shed have not stopped flowing They just refused to stop flowing My anger's overflowing "Just get over it."...
Gone My love has gone away Like the darkest night I can still hear her say...
It's a secret laboratory. Nobody can know where it is. Must never be known. This crazy magic....
Bring me there Into the world you long to share Here I am Exactly where I now belong...
It's like, One day you found a treasure in childhood Tried sharing that pleasure but no one would listen It turned into the fragile heart...
Only in my dreams, had I known the place Only in my wishes, had I seen your face Suddenly you come to me Blew the clouds away from my skies...