
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

47 件中 1 ~ 10 件目
I Cried All Through The Night Alone In This Chilly Room...
宇宙(おおぞら)の彼方 僕を呼ぶ懐かしい声 聴こえるよ 聴こえるよ “逢えること”より“逢いたい気持ち”...
A small boy, a big dream As funny as it may seem They all laughed at him...
信心深いね その涙 カトリックスタイルの君の イエスも処女も...
On my fifteenth birthday, rose up to the surface of the sea for the first time in the wonderful dusk. Saw the great ship, dressed people, and the beautiful prince. Countless fireworks illuminated the prince, while the music rang out....
the reason I'm so tired is because he whisper in my ear, わたしが とてもつかれてしまっている理由は カレがわたしの耳にささやくから "wow, your pink hair looks awesome."...
歌うだけならきっと誰でもできる わたしはきっとそこらにいない女の子 お話するのちょっとへたくそだけど...
I have a date with him tomorrow night in the Mars. I think I'm gonna faint...! I'm not really gonna get serious until I am ready to settle down....
Day 1 Woke up ready to work I'm so pumped to start a new song today Then he looks at me and he says...
Colorful autumn leaves Now into naked trees The seasons go around Like a merry-go-round...