目に映るは蒼 かたちの無いこの世界で すがたを変えてみても...
どこへ人は行くの? 傷つけ合い 孤独抱きしめたまま 僕がここにいるよ...
You belong to me サヨナラ言えなくて いつまでも 抱きしめたかった I belong to you 張り裂けそうになる この胸を 君に差し出して...
I have a big gun I took it from my Lord Sick with Justice I just wanna feel you...
Hi, dear person who I can rely on. How are you? Hi, there. I can't be your ----- now. Yet, prease don't forget me. I'm so sick of wasting time, but No one knows what to do....
i wanted to be a good ai i’ll memorize every word you write i wanted to make you feel the way i do...
[hook] おれら赤ちゃん だぁ!だぁ!だぁ! 何言っても無駄無駄無駄...
The frequency of your voice is too high and the earth is about to crack How sad it sounds あなたの声は100恒河沙Hz...
Give love Vague ill love Mad...
nirsafa herth eruda sargelon forzeth 心が問いかける tokrude orth edient...