
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

147 件中 11 ~ 20 件目
L:I don't wanna let the chance slip away  Why is my freedom taken away?  Reason as against emotion  I've gotta deal with extreme frustration...
異次元回路 ディスクを search setup 要求  解凍する電子少女 A 異次元回路 容量を search 保存先要求 構築する電子少女 B...
It started with an honest little crush Boy I didn't know what I was in for And I didn't think it'd amount to much...
E:Life doesn't always go your way  Sometimes your dream seems so far away  Now try to sort through the confusion  You've gotta give it your full consideration...
僕は無防備と果てしなさだけ追って 辿り着く映像を掌に隠して笑うんだ 0時 今僕を世界への舟に乗せて 1秒で変わる視界を何より鮮やかにした...
The ticket is all that I have lost 十分な喪失と招待され Today's program is : a tragedy 救済の一切もない名作を...
I analyze and I verify and I quantify enough one hundred percentile no errors, no miss I synchronize and I specialize and I classify so much...
I've been waiting for a miracle Little ignoring all the signs Thinking love would heal the wounds of love But Instead it made me blind...
Ideas forming out of thin air These indulgences none can compare So many flavors that one would abhor...
Nobody knows who I really am I never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to come along Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong...