
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

45 件中 1 ~ 10 件目
開演の鐘が鳴る Gothic Circus 見る者全ての命を 奪う 頭の無い道化 残虐な見世物...
繰り返しの退屈に錆び付いて外を眺める 何か刺激が欲しいと飛び出すんだ 少女が見つけた それが可愛い色形でも...
Time is dead and gone Show must go on It's time for our act They all scream at me...
Bring on the chill rain And we'll go back in time Everything's the same...
[VERSE1] It's above one hundred Farenheit I can't tell if it's day or if it's night...
Tell me what to say And lead me through the shadows Show me the escape...
[Verse1] Oh man, it's been a while hasn't it? Are you just as excited as I am?...
I’ve lost my mind The skies are crashing around me I’m left behind...
We'll start from day one "Tell me what you've done" The marks of a shut-in...
Say ”Hello, Who are you?” And we'll start from scratch again ”Gotta go, Talk to you soon!” Day by day, I'm fading away...