
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

30 件中 21 ~ 30 件目
暗い辛いゆらりふらり 暗い暗い泣きたくなるくらい暗いこの世へ 深い深い波の奥へ深入りしてゆく星たち...
A story full of fantasy but I still won't give it up you see Must be something in this world...
Fishman, Swim in all rivers Birdman, Fly jn all the sky Ramshead, maff maff fuzz fuzz...
話題の The dance hits oh yeah 私もっと Dancing oh oh oh シュビドゥビドゥ パッパパッパパッ Yeah Now shake your thing and party up!...
Bird crowed. The die is cast. (鳥が鳴いた)(賽は投げられた) Flame like beast swallowed everything up. (獣の如き炎は、全てを呑み込んでしまった) It might have been proof of disengagement. (それはきっと、契約が終わったことの証明なのだろう)...
Full moon sways Gently in the night of one fine day On my way Looking for a moment with my dear...
I wanna jump together with you To see the world just like a free bird Because sometimes the world is too wide...
Do you remember You had the wings and you were never bound by anything The wings were fluttered You were flying like a bird in the sky just as you wanted to...
I analyze and I verify and I quantify enough one hundred percentile no errors, no miss I synchronize and I specialize and I classify so much...
Let's spend the wonderful day I want to give you a smiling So sing a song for you For my sweet blue bird...