
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

105 件中 31 ~ 40 件目
気づけばここは天国で 時計の針は動かない 果実の甘い香りが ふわふわとからだを浮かせる...
個に宿る魂よ 答えてくれ 聞こえるように 誰もが味わうのか この感覚 無の記憶を くすんだ空を眺めていても...
Walking on the road of the town which doesn't have definition with no time and no meaning abstractedly. Not feeling gravity and so many pressures from society,...
僕たちが奏でる言葉はメロディー それに響くメロディーが太陽の未来 木霊のように聞こえたとしてもそれは...
転んで大地の重さを知って 立ち上がり空の広さを知る まわって地球の歴史を学び 空の背中見て歳を重ね...
I hope to get out of 'myself'. Everyone hopes to get out of 'now'. I hope to get out of 'space'. The road that we are able to go is to only advance....
As I control 'up and down', I look better from people. But I think it is not 'real me'. I remove limiter because I pursue 'being myself'. If people look 'coldly' at me......
In the world where inscrutable events are filled as far as the eye can reach, I grope the tomorrow's significance. Although there are many things which I cannot comprehend at all, I want to find out the "justfication" for existence....
後ろめたいことあり過ぎだろ お前らは何も感じないのか 「無責任」と言われれば言われるほど 感じるマゾに用は無いさ...
見知らぬ人たち 行きかうこの街 誰がわたしを知っているだろう 立ち止まり空を見上げる僕を 見透かすような眼差しで見ないでよ...