
61,476 曲のアニメソング & ボーカロイドの歌詞を検索♪

5 件中 1 ~ 5 件目
季節をなくした この星で 花さえも 枯れ果てて 淋しい目をした子供たち 夢だけは 捨てないで…...
街をあいつが歩いてるだけで みんなの噂の的になる 気取った素振りで不思議なサイン 何でも気をひくお茶目なやつさ...
Walking down the street he bounces everywhere he goes All the people stop and look - he's happy and it shows Captain of his confidence, he's cool and calm and tough Everyone can count on him whenever things get rough...
We'd like to make it When there's nothing in this world We got the burning And it's deep within our soul...
We're rolling on. We say“So long Darling, I love you”and I... I let you go I watch you go Farther out of view,“Good-bye”...